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Rebranding   — Action Shoes
  • Rebranding
  • Digital- Social Media & Web
  • 2017
logo concept and execution
Feet with a Beat

What one needs is a partner that's always on the move, that tracks your every move, just right and smartly too. And that's exactly the inspiration behind our trendy footwear collection ranging from performance sport shoes to semi-formal and formal footwear for men, women, teenagers and kids. Ultimate in design, comfort, and fit. Action shoes not only look good but also are good for your feet

chapter — 1




Website design plays a definitive role in making this happen. Everything from the site’s user experience, to the strength of your copy, to the color of your theme plays a role in guiding online shoppers through the sales funnel and making a conversion.

Since most of the people prefer to shop online due to the lack of time, you can easily make more revenue. With the help of an e-commerce website people can select and buy desired products anytime.
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chapter — 2


The eCommerce website logo defines your eCommerce identity! It is a representation of your entire concept and brand. Having a smart and appealing logo can take you a long way and attract more customers.A logo also keeps your brand consistent. The company logo will become your identity and will be used on website, social media, business cards, packaging etc.

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chapter — 3




Social Media Today argue that the purpose of social media marketing is to build a brand and increase a brand’s visibility, through building relationships and communicating with potential customers.‘‘Social networks are one of the fastest growing industries in the world’’. As part of an introduction, here are a few important social network sites. Facebook — Twitter — Instagram — LinkedIn

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There are many benefits associated with shopping for anything online. You can find almost anything on websites. If you are seeking to buy for shoes online, then you have made the right decision. Through online website you can get heavy discounts, Unrestricted Access to a Variety and Simplified Shopping Process.

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Website UI elements
Red Interface teaser
Website UI elements
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Teacher working
Students teacher ratio
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chapter — 4



Action at a glance

The Action group is one of the India's leading business conglomerates

Strategic Intent

To nurture a financially strong, growth oriented group through leadership and innovation.

Generic Growth Strategies

Action group is committed to growth.

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